- Afrihost is a reseller of AfriDesign services and is not liable or responsible for AfriDesign services.
- Provision of these Services is subject to the AfriDesign terms and conditions, available on their website or on request directly from them on info@afridesign.com.
- Afrihost Plus+ is an add-on Service that incorporates existing DSL and Mobile Connectivity Services as described in the Client Interface. Where DSL, Mobile or General Terms conflict with these Service Terms, it will be assumed to refer to Services where Afrihost Plus+ is not active, and the terms contained in this section will apply only where Afrihost Plus+ has been activated by the Client and remains active and paid in full.
- The Free Trial period (30 Days) is only applicable to the first signup on each individual Client Interface profile. Any subsequent signups will be billed pro-rata upon signup, as per the payment terms (General Terms). By signing up for Afrihost Plus+ Services, the Client expressly binds themselves to the payment terms of Afrihost for future billing, even though the 30-day trial period is not billed.
- Accounts linked to Afrihost Plus+ benefits may be changed in Client Interface, but will only take effect at the start of the month following the end of the 30-day trial period.
- Clients on non-standard Capped or mobile packages (whether standalone or in bundles) may not be eligible for Double Data. Afrihost reserves the right to restrict this feature to packages deemed appropriate and Clients may have to amend their Service or Service bundle to a standard one sold by Afrihost in order to make use of the feature. A non-standard Service may be defined as any Service not currently offered directly via the Client Interface, or any Service which has been modified in any way, for example, a Service which has been modified due to a past Promotion and is not directly available via the Client Interface. Afrihost reserves sole discretion in determining whether any Service qualifies for Afrihost Plus+ benefits.
- Soft Capping on Capped DSL will restrict throughput on the Client’s account to approximately 128kbps when the Client’s total Data package runs out. This in no way impacts other DSL Service Terms or Acceptable Use Policy as this policy is specific to Afrihost Plus+ Services and will not impact Service Terms for unrelated Services or those not linked to an Afrihost Plus+ account. This in no way affects Afrihost’s general claims that DSL Services are not throttled, which refer to general DSL and Mobile Services which are excluded from this section of Afrihost’s terms.
- Where Afrihost Plus+ Services are unpaid, all benefits and additional Data will be suspended or locked until payment is received in full (as per Afrihost’s payment terms). Should the associated or other Services be paid up, these Services will remain unaffected and only the portion of the Service or Data relating to Afrihost Plus+ will be suspended.