01. Service description.
Afrihost will provide DSL line rental Services to the Client based on the following conditions:
- DSL line rental Services and support is provided on a best-effort basis as is available via Telkom.
- No guarantees or warranties whatsoever are provided on throughput or any other aspect of the Service, including but not limited to warranties in respect of merchantability, non-infringement of third party rights, freeness from errors or interruptions or availability, other than set out in these terms and conditions.
- The specifications of this Service are subject to change and will be provided as per the DSL profile information updates available from Telkom.
- DSL is an access medium to the Internet and accordingly remains subject to any bandwidth related constraints which may apply to or be experienced in the use of the World Wide Web (WWW).
- DSL includes the provision of ADSL and VDSL services.
02. Identity Verification Requirements (RICA).
- Identity Verification as per RICA legislation is dealt with as described in the General Terms.
03. Payment and payment terms.
- Payment is dealt with as described in the General Terms.
04. Cancellation / termination.
- Cancellation is dealt with as described in the General Terms.
- It is the Client’s responsibility to cancel the voice / landline portion of their line with Telkom Directly. Afrihost cannot action any cancellations with Telkom on any Client’s behalf. The Client acknowledges that Telkom may charge a settlement fee for their contract and/or device.
05. Telkom traditional line rental.
- The provision of Afrihost's DSL Line rental Service is subject to the provision of upstream services by Telkom. Telkom’s standard terms and conditions for the provision of Public Switched Telecommunication Services accordingly apply to the provision of the Afrihost DSL Line rental Service, and are available here or from all Telkom Direct Shops.
- Clients and potential clients agree to familiarise themselves with the content of these documents, which are incorporated by reference into these Service Terms.
- Afrihost does not provide the landline (voice line) required for ADSL line rental. Telkom terms and conditions apply to the access and costs related to these non-Afrihost contingencies which include landline fees. As a minimum Telkom requires that landlines remain active in order to provide ADSL Services.
06. Telkom Pure DSL line rental.
- The provision of Pure DSL line retnal Services by Afrihost is subject to the provision of upstream services by Telkom. Telkom’s standard terms and conditions apply to the provision of the Pure DSL line Service and is available here.
- Telkom’s Pure DSL Service does not require a landline for DSL to be Activated. Clients are not charged any landline fees.
07. Faults and repairs.
- Afrihost will assume that DSL Service provision to a Client is in good working order until such time as the Client reports any problems or service breaks to Afrihost Support.
- Any faults or Service interruption should be reported via one of the channels available on the Client Interface.
- Telkom will attend to faults reported by the Client during office hours and will apply its reasonable endeavours to have the DSL Line rental Service restored in the shortest possible time.
- If Telkom determines that the fault reported by the Client was caused by Client equipment which is not covered by a maintenance agreement with Afrihost, the Client shall be liable for payment of the relevant call-out charge as determined by Telkom from time to time.
08. Exchange congestion.
- Afrihost has no control over the maintenance and capacity of Telkom exchanges. At present there is also no reporting or escalation agreement available from Telkom to address congestion on a Client’s behalf. In the case of congested exchanges, Afrihost will endeavour to obtain as much information as possible on a Client’s behalf, but will ultimately not be held responsible or liable for degraded DSL performance due to congested exchanges.
09. Disclaimer and limitation of liability.
- In addition to the limitations on liability and indemnities set out in the General Terms, Afrihost accepts no liability for any loss or damage to the property or equipment of the Client arising out of the provision, installation or maintenance of the DSL line rental Service.
- Clients are solely responsible for all actions authenticated by credentials associated with their account(s). It is advised that authentication credentials be changed regularly to maintain Client Interface security. Afrihost accepts no liability for any loss or damage suffered by Clients as a result of unauthorised use of Clients' authentication credentials.
- The provision of the Afrihost DSL line rental Service is subject to:
- The availability of upstream and network services;
- Network availability;
- Distance of the applicant from the local exchange;
- Copper line quality as provided by Telkom; and
- Line sync speed limitations as may be applied or incurred through Telkom.
- Afrihost reserves the right to refuse DSL line rental Service based on network, domain and/or equipment identifiers.